Occasionally you'll see little cryptic codes in messages.  There are called 
emoticons, and are used to express the emotions of normal voice communication 
-- for example, to indicate that the "snide" comment you just read was really 
a joke.  The following list has been compiled from ten years of reading 
messages on bulletin boards and CompuServe forums. 

     emoticon (noun).  A figure created with the symbols on the
     keyboard.  Read with the head tilted to the left.  Used to
     convey the spirit in which a line of text is typed.

Emoticon     Meaning
--------     -------
.-]          User has one eye
.-)          User has one eye
:-i          Semi-Smiley
:-]          Smiley blockhead
:-%          User has beard 
:-o          User singing national anthem
:-t          User is cross
:-:          User is mutant
:-(          Drama
:-)          Comedy
:-           User is male
:-?          User is smoking a pipe
:-=)         Older user with mustache
:-\          Undecided user
:-p          User is sticking their tongue out (at you!)
:-)'         User tends to drool
:-'|         User has a cold
:-)8         User is well dressed
:-D          User talks too much
:-\          Popeye smiling face, for people who look like popeye
:-#          User's lips are sealed.
:-o          User is shocked
:-*          User just ate a sour pickle
:-)-{8       User is a big girl 
:-s          User after a BIZARRE comment
:-o          User is surprised
:-{          User has a mustache
:-|          No expression face, 'that comment doesn't phase me'
-:-)         User sports a mohawk and admires Mr. T
:-%          User has beard.
:-&          User which is tongue-tied
:-9          User licking it's lips
:-(          Sad
:-`          User spitting out its chewing tobacco
:-*          User after eating something bitter
:->          Hey hey             
:-X          User is wearing a bow tie
:-6          User after eating something sour
:-0          User is an orator
:-7          User after a wry statement
:-#|         User with bushy mustache
:-@          User face screaming
:-%          User is a banker
:-}          User wears lipstick
:-)          Humor (or smiley)   
:-v          Talking head Smiley
:-c          Bummed out Smiley
:-x          "my lips are sealed" Smiley
:-@          User's beard has permanent wave *or* was drawn by Picasso
:-|          "have an ordinary day" Smiley
:-e          Disappointed Smiley
:-<          Real sad Smiley
:-I          Hmm                 
:-(          Boo hoo             
:-8(         Condescending stare
:-#          User's lips are sealed.
:-O          Uh oh               
:-Q          Smoker
::-)         User wears glasses
:<|          User attends an Ivy League school
:=)          User has two noses
:>           Midget Smiley
:>)          User has a big nose
:%)%         User has acne
:~)          User's face needs a nosejob, no explanation necessary
:n)          User with funny-looking right nose
:u)          User with funny-looking left nose
;-)          Winking Smiley
;-\          Popeye gets his lights punched out
'-)          User only has a left eye, which is closed
(-:          User is left-handed
(-)          User needing a haircut
(:-)         Smiley big-face
(:-(         unSmiley frowning
(:)-)        User likes to scuba dive
(:I          Egghead
):-(         UnSmiley big-face
)8-)         Scuba Smiley big-face
{:-)         Smiley with its hair parted in the middle
{(:-)        User is wearing toupee.
}(:-(        User, wearing toupee in wind.
+-(:-)       User is the pope
+:-)         Smiley priest
,-}          Wry and winking
*-(          Cyclops got poked in the eye
*:o)         User is a Bozo
*<|:-)       User is Santa Claus (Ho Ho Ho)
<:I          Dunce
<|-)=        User is chinese
=:-)         User is a hosehead
=:-#}        Smiley punk with a mustache....
=:-)         Smiley punk-rocker
>-           Female
>:-<         Mad
%-^          User is Picasso
%-)          User is cross-eyed
#-)          User partied all night
@-)          Person submitting is Cyclops
@:I          Turban
|-O          Birth
|-)          Hee hee             
|-D          Ho ho              
|-)          User is asleep (boredom)
|-P          Yuk
0-)          User wearing scuba mask
8-)          User wears glasses
8            Infinity
8-|          Suspense
8-#          Death
8:-)         Glasses on forehead
8:]          Normal smiling face except that User is a gorilla
B-)          Horn-rims
B-|          User is wearing cheap sunglasses
g-)          Smiley with ponce-nez glasses
o-)          User is a cyclops
P-)          User is getting fresh
[:-)         User is listening to Walkman radio
[:|]         User is a robot